March 1st, 2012


Question ….

If gun control is such a pure, logical and wonderful cause — why do the supporters of gun control have to continually lie to put their point across?

Bill Clinton was at it last week — doing what he does best, lying. On several occasions he repeated the standard anti-gun lie 13 children die each day from gun violence in the United States. After Clinton?s speech the Associated Press ran a story which said “13 children are killed by guns every day.”

I guess I?ll have to state the obvious here one more time. Guns don?t kill people. People kill people with guns.

Now — to Clinton?s oft-repeated lie. Do 13 children die every day from gunfire in the United States? Here?s the statistics from the National Safety Council. — but they?re just for those of you who actually want to know the truth:

First ? please note that for these statistics a “child” is classified as someone between the ages of 0 and 14.

2,600 from automobile accidents
200 suffocated
570 killed from fire or burns
850 died from drowning
70 children were poisoned
160 children died from falls
40 dies from carbon monoxide inhalation
110 from died from gunshot wounds
500 more died from other injuries including medical mistakes, exposure, etc.
Now … Bill Clinton says that 13 children a day die from gunshot injuries. That would be 4,745 children a year. The actual statistics from The National Safety Council show 110 children from 0 to 14 a year. That?s about one every three days, not 13 a day.

Something is obviously wrong with someone?s numbers here.

You can see what?s happening. Clinton wanted to create a national outcry for gun control, so he uses the same tactic he?s used for so many other causes. He plays on our love for and our need to protect our children. But Clinton had a little problem there! There were just not enough genuine, bona fide children being killed with guns! The solution? Hell — let?s just change the definition. We?ll expand the age of childhood all the way up to 25! If the government can designate a multi-millionaire as “living in poverty” then the government can surely designate a 25 year old man ? who may well be married with a career and raising his own children ? as a “child.”

Honesty counts, folks. Right now you have a class of politician who feel that it is obviously OK to lie to the American people if that lie will help the politician attain certain political goals. This may not be surprising. What is surprising, though ? and more alarming ? is the role of the media in supporting or covering up those lies.

Any reporter for any element of the mainstream press could do the same research that Jon Dougherty of WorldNetDaily did to come up with these numbers. In fact — I would submit to you that most reporters know full well that Clinton and the gun-grabbers are using false statistics. So, why don?t they tell you the truth about Clinton?s claims? That one?s easy —- it?s because disarming law-abiding Americans is also part of the agenda of the leftist media. They simply aren?t going to report the truth when the truth harms their own agenda.

That?s why they hate talk radio.