The true origin of gun control
The true origin of gun control
Why Is Its Legitimization Being Tolerated?
By: Ted Lang? All rights reserved
Published 03. 6. 2002 at 14:17 PST
The origin of “gun control,” a euphemism for the total abolition of each and every American citizen’s constitutional right to not only be armed, but to be allowed his right to carry [bear] firearms, originates from virtually all elements of “America’s” leftist, mainstream, establishment media, hereafter simply referred to as the “media.” The pressure from the media empowers corrupt politicians, who are mostly identifiable as being such in that they violate their oaths to preserve and protect the Constitution by passing illegal, harmful, laws penalizing the American people.
The partnership of the media and politicians is most noteworthy during elections, when politicians contending for power, or striving to retain it, need the voice and support of the various elements of the media. Although it is the media that profits substantially from money raised by political campaigns, it is mutually beneficial for politicians and the media to play ball with one another.
Lower level politicians, those at the state, county, and small town level, usually support the Second Amendment because elements of the National Rifle Association are strongest at the grass roots level. This explains why a relatively new arrival on the local political scene is more supportive of the citizens’ right to bear arms until success is achieved moving up the national ladder of recognition.
After achieving national political prominence, politicians supporting the Second Amendment run head-on into network TV news anchors, late night talk show hosts, sitcoms, and government-glorifying adventure shows that can be, and are, turned against them. It is at this juncture in their political lives that they acquiesce to the Big Brother-Mighty Mother government gun-control worship the media demands.
Americans assume that reporters are simply turned off by the massive carnage they as journalists witness first hand as a result of gun violence. But that’s nonsense! There are many more instances where guns are used to prevent crime than there are instances of horrific, bloody gun violence. Today’s reporters, in addition to being outrageously lazy, don’t spend anywhere near the time Americans imagine on covering fatal shootings. It is the media outlet ownership and editors whose socialist, collective views abhor citizen ownership of firearms. These views are echoed by lower level reporters and journalists, which are attributable to their more recent indoctrination in a Marxist academic environment.
The actual origin of gun control in America goes back to the political conflict over slavery. Abolitionists were being attacked by angry mobs and began carrying handguns for protection. States favoring slavery and mob rule passed gun control legislation to protect members of lawless, threatening mobs from being shot by law-abiding citizens that opposed slavery and were merely trying to defend themselves. In this regard, gun control is racist!
Now considering the class conflict employed by Communist Josef Stalin of the former Soviet Union and that of religious discrimination by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, both dictators having instituted total gun bans, gun control is founded upon contrived class conflict and religious intolerance, and made possible totalitarian government mass murder. Legitimate governments carried out all these heinous inhuman attributes of gun control. Why is its legitimization here in America being tolerated?
About armed populaces: the Nazis had no intentions of invading Switzerland and Soviet documents now obtained show that the USSR had no intention of invading or occupying the United States for that very reason. Another disturbing reality concerning gun control politicians is their additional frightening propensity to be more than at ease with foreign dictatorships, especially of the communist kind!
There are, of course, individuals and families that have suffered from gun violence at either the hands of mental incompetents, criminals, or family members who used a firearm against other family members, or to commit suicide. In spite of the low number of instances of such occurrences, the media exploits these low numbers propagandizing them to falsely indicate that these incidents are rampant.
The media parades them out to justify public disarmament. In this regard, Columbine was a godsend. Never mind that their high concentration on, and propagandization of, any and all school shootings simply promoted more of the same via the unimaginative mind set of immature copycat shooters.
The only people in America that might justifiably desire a full ban are those who have been intellectually neutered by the emotion of personal experience with gun violence. Considering real facts from the National Safety Council, Uniform FBI statistics, and the tripling of crime in gun ban England, what excuses can now be offered by politicians and the media?
? 2002 (unless otherwise noted)
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