This is where the REAL AMERICAN WOMEN ARE!
For those of use who have been around this world
for over half of this century, we have seen the
time when women were WOMEN!
We have lived through a time when the Consitution
was honored and young men were willing to die to
protect it.
We experienced the radical sixties close up and saw the demise of the Constitution. We have seen the decline of America and what appeared to be an
end to womanhood.
With groups such as the ACLU, NOW, Planned Parenthood and others inudating our cuture with
socialist dogma. Demeaning every facet that has
made this country great and telling us that to call a woman a WOMAN is discrimination, hope often seem to be gone.
But then along comes a group such you. REAL WOMEN who are confident, intelligent, strong willed and aggressive in defending their principles. HOPE IS NOT LOST and this Country really does have a chance to survive as long as patriots of your caliber continue to perservere.
You have my admiration and praise. I still am trying to discover WHERE HAVE THE REAL MEN GONE?
Thank you for being a modern day VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS. AMERICA NEEDS YOU.
With great Respect,
Tony W. Smith
Duncanville, Texas