
March 1st, 2012

I’m answering a post from some time back. I missed it when it was new…my apologies.

>>>DAVE! Are YOU suggesting that the FBI & the BATF, guardians of safety and security that we all know them to be, could pose even a remote danger to the American Public?<<<

Don’t misunderstand me! I do not buy the idea that the ATF and the FBI are staffed by evil, anti-freedom, black helicopter flying new world order minions. There are idiots in both organizations, true, but there are also fine law enforcement agents on the payroll of each one. Yes, one finds an occasional ATF Agent who is stupid enough to support HCI or whatever…and I’ve met these morons and I know they exist. I’ve also chatted over coffee with Secret Service Agents who joked continuously, and in poor taste, about the current commander-in-chief (note the lack of caps!)and the “Protective Detail”.

Most Federal cops are just civil servants…