> Tomorrow is the planned second “Million Mom Mother’s Day March”
> Tomorrow is the planned second “Million Mom Mother’s Day March”
on the
> D.C. Mall. The main theme is reenacting the “Assault Weapon Ban”
> Care to wager whether we’ll see a picture of the “crowd” from a
> helicopter or the Washington Monument?
> A couple of weeks ago the Washington Post ran a front page
picture of
> the “pro-choice” rally on the Mall, which filled it from the
Capitol to
> the Washington Monument, and was estimated as between 850,000
and 1.1
> million people.
> By contrast, when Rosie O’Donnell declared the first Misinformed
> March to be 750,000, the media unquestioningly reported her
> though that “crowd” filled only one tiny corner of the Mall -
> less than 50,000, according to a televised brief overhead
> glimpse of the group, and my personal M1 Eyeballs. That was
backed up
> by the minimal increase of Metro riders that day and the
relatively few
> – 30 or 40 – buses.
> Again tomorrow, the Second Amendment Sisters will have a
> from 11 a.m. until 3 at Freedom Plaza. The prominent speakers
> include Maria Heil and Texas Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp.
> I’m sorry I can’t be there but I hope many of you will be.
> ————————————
> The media is once again giving the Brady Campaign extra latitude
> truthfulness in their advertising and press releases. Knowing
full well
> that the Clinton “Assault Weapons” Ban scheduled to sunset in
> doe not apply to Uzis or AK-47s, the group has sent out numerous
> releases and e-mail alerts claiming that “When the ban expires,
> AK-47s, Uzis and other illegal assault weapons will be legalized
> back on our streets.”
> Imports of Uzis and AK-47s were banned by executive order in
1989 and
> are not in any way affected by the demise of the Clinton gun
> The Brady Campaign knows this… The New York Times knows this?
> they continue to fundraise, editorialize and advertise that Uzis
> AK-47s are about to flood into our neighborhoods.