U.S. Senator Defends American Gun Owners?Again

March 1st, 2012

U.S. Senator Defends American Gun OwnersAgain

Friday, March 27, 2009

As previously reported, the attempt to blame Americas lawful gun owners and its gun laws for the horrific violent acts of Mexican drug cartels continues, spurred on by Secretary of State Clinton and her foray south of the border.

Fortunately, gun owners do have some advocates in congress.

This week, during the above-mentioned Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) stepped up to the plate for gun owners, telling Deputy U.S. Attorney General David Ogden, I want to be clear. Some have used this latest outbreak in Mexico to argue for tighter gun control restrictions in the United States. I dont agree that thats the right answer. I think the right answer is really cooperation at all levels of government, and smarter intelligencemore eyes and ears on the border, getting tougher on criminals that are smuggling weapons and drugs.

Earlier this month, fellow Montana Democrat Senator Max Baucus, joined by Senator Tester, wrote Attorney General Holder informing him, in no uncertain terms, of Montanans staunch opposition to any attempt to reauthorize the failed Clinton gun ban.

In that letter, the Senators wrote, We oppose reinstating the ban on the sale of assault weapons, and we call on the Department of Justice to enforce existing laws before it considers imposing any new restrictions on gun ownership.We will strongly oppose any legislation that will infringe upon the rights of individual gun owners. In the light of the Supreme Courts landmark ruling of District of Columbia v. Heller, affirming the Second Amendment right to bear arms as an individual and constitutionally protected right, we urge you to avoid any legislative proposals that would jeopardize the Constitutional right of law-abiding Americans to own firearms.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !