uh lesee here now, what do we blame for this act of violence…
Oh that’s right, according to the misguided morons , it’s not a violent act unless guns are used, is it?….
Two Fattally Slashed (that means a knife was used as the TOOL in this act of violence) in NJ standoff
A Newwark NJ man killed his wife and mother in law by slashing their throats, then held his 9 yr old son hostage for several hrs before surrendering, police said. Ali Kemoum, 49, walked out of his home in the afternoon. The boy, also named Ali, was released unharmed about an hr before Kemoum gave up. The dead women were identified as Amanda Dominigez, 54 and her mother Carmen Dominguez, 74.
it’s a shame these women didn’t have and know how to use a self defense weapon.