Unintended Consequences of Public policy
This, by Professor Lott, really is a must read if you believe in the 2nd Amendment. –
Ann, guess there’s no need for you to read this since you don’t believe in the 2A…..
Below is a must-read abstract for those of us interested in the public health
aspect of guns, safe storage of guns, and the unintended consequences of
public policy changes.
On the page, you can also order the whole paper if you want to tear into the
mechanics of how the data was collected and processed to draw the conclusion
that “safe storage of guns” mandated by law in several states actually led to
a significant INCREASE in deaths and injury by violent crime.
This paper presents important data, and it illustrates the kind of thinking
we have to employ if we are going to make data-based decisions. It also
demonstrates the kind of thinking THAT IS NOT currently being used by some of
our more ideologically driven public policy planners and legislators.
at: http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=228534