Utah: Threat to concealed carry

March 1st, 2012

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408


Utah legislative alert — January 31, 1999

Dear Utah gun rights supporter:

On Tuesday, February 1st, the House Education Committee is scheduled
to hear HB 248. This dangerous bill treats concealed weapons permit
holders like criminals while doing nothing to reduce crime. Since
the Utah concealed carry law requires permit holders to “prove” they
are law-abiding before the permit can be issued, any further
restrictions on carrying are simply blatant attacks on rights, not
“meaningful” public safety measures.

Basically, HB 248 outlaws concealed weapons at schools, houses of
worship, and private residences. Under current law those places can
post signs against concealed weapons if they are terrified at the
thought of law-abiding citizens having the means to protect their
lives. Any home owner can deny admittance to their home to any
private citizen for any reason or no reason, as is proper.

But HB 248 would require a permit holder to choose between begging
for prior permission to carry or leaving their safety at home. Many
houses of worship would prefer not to take official notice of the
fact that some members might choose to carry their safety with them.

Under HB 248, if permission is not obtained beforehand (for every
individual location), concealed carry is outlawed. Imagine always
carrying a briefcase full of these “hall passes” from every single
one of your friends and relatives!

Please contact the House Education Committee and urge them to kill
this ludicrous bill.

Other gun control bills are moving in both the House and the Senate.
After acting to stop HB 248 (committee rosters below), please drop a
note to all of your legislators with the simple message of NO GUN
CONTROL IN 2000! Complete House and Senate rosters are at
http://www.gunowners.org/sut0100.htm on the GOA website.

Activism note: Dr. Sarah Thompson of the no-compromise group UTGuns
is closely monitoring the day-to-day legislative situation in Salt
Lake City. Dedicated activists are urged to subscribe to her e-mail
alerts list. To do this, send a message to [email protected] and in
the message body type “subscribe leg-alerts” without the quotation
marks. Those alerts are archived at
http://www.UTguns.freeservers.com on the web.

House Education Committee:

Lloyd Frandsen [email protected] 801-254-4940
Ron Bigelow [email protected] 801-968-4188
Jeff Alexander [email protected] 801-375-1092
Duane Bourdeaux [email protected] 801-596-8784
Judy Ann Buffmire [email protected] 801-266-1862
Fred Fife [email protected] 801-521-7383
David Hogue [email protected] 801-254-1668
Bradley Johnson [email protected] 435-529-3227
Keele Johnson [email protected] 435-678-2077
Tammy Rowan [email protected] 801-224-6141
LaWanna Shurtliff [email protected] 801-479-0289
Matt Throckmorton [email protected] 801-489-8342
Bill Wright [email protected] 801-667-3333