VA-ALERT: Victory in Rockbridge!

March 1st, 2012

VA-ALERT: Victory in Rockbridge!
Date: Feb 15, 2007 10:52 PM
VCDL’s Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund — help fight Mayor Bloomberg’s
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How do you define a VCDL activist?

I would define it as someone who would drive all the way from
Virginia Beach to Rockbridge and back (490 miles round trip, 10 hours
total drive time) to fight for his fellow gun owners and show the
VCDL colors!

That is exactly what Leigh Dyer did yesterday.

And the good people of Rockbridge are appreciative. This from Linda Layser:

“Thank you so much for keeping us informed of potential actions that
may erode our constitutional rights. You may have heard that the
Rockbridge Planning Commission tabled these recommendations and will
start over. There was a standing room only group for this meeting.
I did not catch the name of the gentleman that drove all the way from
Virginia Beach, but is nice to know there are people out there
watching our backs. The show of support by the shooting sports
attendees was impressive considering the weather here has been so bad
many could not make it. Thank You Linda Layser”

You guys and gals are impressive.

Anyway, it turns out that the person who wrote the proposed ordinance
changes, Gene Browning, was not being malicious or anti-gun, he just
did not know much about guns or hunting. The six round limit for
guns on a shooting range was a number that he pulled out of the air
and he admitted it. (The whole thing looked pretty arbitrary to me.)
One of the Commission members told Mr. Browning that he had a loaded
rifle in his car with more that six rounds in it and he wasn’t about
to go to his car and remove those extra rounds!

Basically the overwhelming response from gun owners (and the packed
room) caused the whole concept to be canned.

Even the County Attorney said that there were serious constitutional
and legal issues (particularly preemption) with the proposal.

It turns out this whole thing was to address a SINGLE CASE, where a
homeowner was afraid his neighbor might open a skeet range.

Leigh did say that VCDL needs to get more members in Rockbridge and
the surrounding area – and he is right. The time to have a strong
membership is BEFORE there is a problem, not after.

Rockbridge – time to get the word out in gun stores, gun ranges, gun
shows, etc.

As to why he went so far to fight this particular battle, Leigh told
a reporter, “… a bad law in any county is a bad law for the
Commonwealth because counties tend to follow the lead of adjoining
counties, and that a rural county is the worst place of all to start
a bad precedent.”

You bet. VCDL has been successful because of our attention to detail
and our willingness to fight everywhere and anywhere that our gun
rights are threatened. We hang together because we will surely hang
separately if we don’t.

Thanks to all the people on this list who emailed, called, and
attended that meeting.

You made a difference and you can be proud of it.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL).
VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to
defending the human rights of all Virginians. The membership considers the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms to be an essential human right.

VCDL web page:
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