VP Hopeful Pataki Attacks Gun Owners

March 1st, 2012

VP Hopeful Pataki Attacks Gun Owners

This is an alert from Shooters Committee On Political
Education the oldest sportsmen’s political committee in the
nation. I am a past member.
Weldon Clark

Sender: Paul Gallant/NY <[email protected]
Shooters Committee On Political Education Alert

Derail New York Governor Pataki

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to you on behalf of the members of the Shooters
Committee On Political Education (SCOPE), a New York
statewide Second Amendment advocacy group.

As you may have noticed in recent gun issues news, our
governor, Republican George Pataki recently vetoed a bill
called “Firearms Accident Prevention Program Act” the so-
called Eddie Eagle bill.

Editor. This is the award winning (by the National Safety
Council) child gun safety program from NRA.

This bill was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in
both houses of our state legislature this past summer. The
bill would have authorized an Eddie Eagle style gun safety
program for schools, and youth programs throughout New
York State. Due to a quirk in our state laws the bill was held
in the Assembly until just before Christmas to be sent to the
governor for his signature.

Under heavy pressure from New York City liberals, Gov.
Pataki demanded that all references to Eddie Eagle and the
Eddie Eagle language of “Stop! Don’t Touch! Leave the Area!
Tell and Adult!” be removed or he would veto the bill.
Obviously, these changes would have gutted the bill making
it a worthless piece of paper and due to Democrat control
and arm-twisting the bill would never have made it out of the
Assembly again.

Despite an intense effort by New Yorks gun owners, Gov.
Pataki bowed to the New York City liberal establishment and
vetoed Eddie Eagle. We believe that Gov. Pataki did this to
curry favor with liberal down state voters so that he could
bring New Yorks electoral votes to a Republican ticket as its
vice-presidential nominee.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Gov. Pataki has
undermined gun owners and the Second Amendment.
Here’s the Pataki record:

March 28, 1997, A Gannett News Service story by Jay
Gallagher, reported Gov. Pataki said, “I would like to see an
assault weapons bill passed.” Fortunately, to date the New
York State Senate has refused to honor the governor’s
wishes. Also, in 1997, Gov. Pataki signed legislation creating
renewable pistol licenses in specific counties where licenses
were previously issued for a lifetime, and not subject to
renewal. That same legislation also required the pistol
license applicant to pass a mandated safety/proficiency
course. Again in 1997, the governor signed an Executive
Order that required that all state owned surplus firearms be
destroyed, rather than sold to licensed Federal Firearms
dealers. An obvious demonization of firearms, and an
implication that guns are evil. Early in 1999, Gov. Pataki
signed another Executive Order, requiring that private
firearm transactions at gun shows on state owned property
include a Brady background check. August 1997, the
leadership of the Shooters Committee On Political Education
(SCOPE) attempted to schedule a meeting with the governor
to discuss issues concerning gun owners. The governor’s
office responded, “due to time restrictions, it is not possible
for him to add this commitment to his schedule.” What was
more important than talking to New York gun owners? Well,
the September 22, 1997, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
reported that the New York governor was busy giving
speeches at $15,000 a pop to groups in San Diego,
California. All this from a governor who claims to be a friend
of gun owners.

Sources close to Gov. Pataki say he has a keen interest in
the Vice President’s slot on the Republican ticket. We are
asking you, our fellow activist, to write, fax and email Gov.
Pataki telling him that you know his record and you will not
forget it. Also, we ask that you write to the various
Republican presidential candidates telling them that you
cannot support any ticket that might include George Pataki.

We understand that many of you, even without George
Pataki may have some misgivings about some of the
Republican presidential candidates. Suitably, this will also
provide an opportunity to test the presidential candidates on
their loyalty to gun owners.

Let us show our strength. Please contact Gov. Pataki and
the Republican candidates for president today. Listed below
is the contact information for Gov. Pataki and the front
running Republican candidates for president.

We encourage you to copy, distribute and rebroadcast this
alert as widely as possible!

Thank you for your support.

Timothy Andrews, President SCOPE, Inc. P.O. Box 26347
Rochester, NY 14626 (716) 720-9248 www.SCOPEny.org

Email: [email protected] Fax: 518-473-7669
Mail: Honorable George E. Pataki, Governor State of New
York Executive Chambers, State Capitol Albany,
New York 12224

Governor George W. Bush Bush for President P.O. Box 1902
Austin, Texas 78767-1902 Phone : (512) 637-2000 Fax :
(512) 637-8800 Web Site : www.georgewbush.com

Senator John McCain National Campaign Headquarters 735
N. St. Asaph Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone : (703)
837-2000 Fax : (703) 837-2001 Toll Free Phone : (877) 905-
7700 Web Site : www.mccain2000.com
Email Address : [email protected]