VT Gun Sales Increase 30 to 50 Percent

March 1st, 2012

Wed 24-OCT-2001 6 P.M. News Script

Gun Sales Skyrocket Since September 11

Waterbury/South Burlington, Vermont – October 24, 2001 Vermont gun dealers are reporting sales increases of 30 to 50 percent in the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11th.The sales increase far exceeds the predictable hunting season sales spike.In addition much of the increase is for the sales of non-hunting firearms such as handguns and short-barrel shotguns, according to gun dealers. Many of the customers are reportedly first-time gun owners. And some dealers report that the terrorists threat has prompted even some gun-control advocates to buy firearms for self-defense. Brian Joyce — Channel 3 News

1} GUNSALES_INTROFirearm sales have reportedly skyrocketed in Vermont since September 11 . . . and gun dealers say the terrorist threats have created some unexpected customers. Brian Joyce has our report.

2} GUNSALES_PKGDown at Parro’s gun shop in Waterbury it was quiet this morning but don’t be fooled. The owners say sales are at a twenty-year high — and it all started after the terrorist attacks on September 11th. ((tape 648 tc Henry Parro/Parro’s Gun Shop:”I would say a twenty to thirty-percent increase. I’ve seen a high-percentage of first-time buyers,people coming in who said a year ago I would never have even thought I’d be in a gun shop, and now they’re coming in. They’re feeling a need for self-protection.”)) Parro says he has had the predictable sales spike in rifles with onset of the hunting seasons. The surprise has been the sales of short-barreled home-defense shotguns and pistols. ((tape 648 tc 2:43 Hanry Parro/Parro’s Gun Shop:”I haven’t seen a lot of women come in, but I have seen a lot of husbands saying my wife has finally given permission to own a firearm, or, now that she feels its okay.”)) ((tape 648 tc 21:37 Jim Dattilio/Dattilio’s Gun Shop:”S! ince September 11th our sales have actually at least doubled and to a lot of first-time buyers.”)) It’s the same story at Jim Dattilio’s gun shop in South Burlington and he says the terrorist threat has created new supporters of the second amendment. ((tape 648 tc 22:34 Jim Dattilio/Dattilio’s Gun Shop:”We are seeing a lot of people that are pro gun-control coming in and have got a little of an attitude change.” Joyce:”They said that to you?” Dattilio:” Yes, they did.”)) A change of attitude about the need to prepare for threats much closer to home than anyone ever expected. Brian Joyce — Channel 3 News — in Waterbury

3} GUNSALES_TAGVermont no longer has any indoor firing ranges, but first-time gun owners interested in learning how to fire their weapons safely could contact the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department at 241-3720.