WAGC Photo Album

March 1st, 2012

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WAGC helps keep their communities clean! photo01t.jpg
photo02t.jpg Rep. Helen Chenoweth, (R) ID. meets w/ WAGC and other women concerned about people losing gun rights if they spank their children.
NRA’s Wayne Lapierre, the thorn between two roses! photo03t.jpg
photo05t.jpg Nancy Herrington, WAGC’s EVP holds thousands fo petitions collected with GOA to repeal the Lautenberg Amendment.
Janalee Tobias and
Tanya Metaska
photo06t.jpg Rally at Utah State Capital: Women Need Handguns!
Tobias shooting off more than her mouth at NRA headquarters. photo07t.jpg
photo08t.jpg Former NM state director holds sign she made for NM gun rally.
Examples of displays for gun shows. photo10t.jpg
photo11t.jpg Examples of displays for gun shows.
Janalee Tobias speaks at Pro-Gun rally on
Utah Capitol steps
April 22, 2000
img02t.jpg View of the White House with Nancy Herrington in the foreground
SAS-AIMM crowd with Washington Monument in the background img15t.jpg