WAGC goes International….. Again! :-)

March 1st, 2012

Following is an interview I did for a Libertarian Italian Journalist who writes for an Italian Gun Magazine called ARMI MAGAZINE:
So how’d I do, Gang?
it’ll be in th amarch Issue:

——Begin Interview Questions and Answers—–
A Double Barrel Interview From the Two Top Brass of Women Against Gun Control , Janalee Tobias President and Nancy Herrington EVP….. on behalf
of WAGC’s Ladies Of High Caliber

#1. The most surveys show women usually have anti-gun ideas. In your
opinion, why?

Mainly because they only poll anti self defense women. I, and I bet the rest of the WAGC members, have never been asked. Polls can be manipulated to say
what the polltaker wants the end result to be. The women who DO have anti-self defense ideas are those who have never been around firearms.
Women, as well as men, who have never been around firearms and/or used one have no knowledge of them, thus they fear them.
As the saying goes: We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.– Livy
These are the women whose only source of information is the mainstream news media, which tends to be vary biased against firearms and firearm owners.
For example , you can be sure and read about EVERY single misuse of firearm,but it is VERY rare that stories of law abiding gunowners using firearms in
self-defense are ever heard/read.

#2. Some weeks ago, a “million” (in the reality, a few thousands) moms marched against guns – and they are supposed to have marched against the
Second Amendment too. They stated guns are a dangerous tool, that could be owned by the bad guys. Do you share these statements?

This was done on Mother’s Day 2000. There was also a counter march put on that same day by Second Amendment Sisters, WAGC’s Allies. It was known as
SAS-AIM – Second Amendment Sisters – Armed Informed Mothers counter rally.
This was attended by Janalee and Myself as well as other WAGC members and over 5000 other pro Second Amendment Americans. Janalee was one of the many
speakers at the SAS-AIMM counter rally.

Does WAGC deny that “bad guys” can get guns? No. They will get guns regardless of how strict gun laws get. They will commit crimes until they are held responsible for their own actions.
Knives are dangerous tools that can be owned by bad guys. So are baseball bats, automobiles, picks, and shovels!
Yes, Guns are tools and in the hands of law abiding citizens they have been used to save lives and deter crime over 2 million times a yr.
WAGC abhors ALL violence, including baseball bats, knives, automobiles, shovels, pitchforks, and YES even hands and feet. WAGC blames the INDIVIDUAL who commits these acts of violence regardless of the TOOL used in commission of the act.
Do we DENY that these gun control laws (or as they are calling them now -
so-called gun “safety” laws which the misinformed mommies endorse) will keep
guns out of the hands of criminals? ABSOLUTELY!
What the MMM’ers don’t seem to realize is that prohibition does NOT work. It
did NOT work on Alcohol; it’s NOT working on drugs and it WILL NOT work on
firearms. Prohibition creates criminals out of law-abiding citizens, PERIOD!
Guns are TOOLS just like knives, baseball bats, bricks, shovels, and YES
even hands and feet. IF somehow all firearms could be magically removed from
this planet, there would still be crime and violence. As long as there are
those who insist on blaming lifeless Inanimate TOOLS, instead of holding
INDIVIDUALS Responsible for their actions.
“Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est” (“A sword
isnever a killer, it’s a tool in the killer’s hands”) Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“the younger” ca. (4 BC – 65 AD)
The next 2 quotes are in reference to Rosie O’Donell , a talk show host and
spokesperson for the MMM’er’s, who made the statement that (paraphrasing)
all gunowners need to be in jail and then says her son needs an armed body
guard to take him to school.
“The biggest hypocrites on gun control are those who live in upscale
developments with armed security guards — and who want to keep other people
from having guns to defend themselves. But what about lower-income people
living in high-crime, inner city neighborhoods? Should such people be kept
unarmed and helpless, so that limousine liberals can ‘make a statement’ by
adding to the thousands of gun laws already on the books?” –Thomas Sowell
“These liberties, ensured by our Bill Of Rights, were properly recognized by
our Founders as divine in origin, transcendent in nature, and beyond the
political manipulations of beings even so powerful as talk show
hostesses.” –Rep. J.C. Watts Jr.

“Gun control has always been an elitist method of controlling the common
folk. Nevertheless, if the urban insane wish to be prey for predators,
that’s their privilege. But no one has the right to tell someone else that
he or she cannot possess the tools necessary to defend his or her life and
the lives of loved ones.” –Charley Reese

#3. Assume you are a mother. Wouldn’t you feel more calm, while knowing that
your child cannot get a gun?

If a child is raised with morals and respect than there’s nothing to fear.
If a child is raised with the knowledge of guns and what they are capable of
doing , there is nothing to fear. If a child is raised knowing about gun
safety and responsibility, there’s nothing to fear.
I’ve got a 7 yr old nephew who since the age of 2 has been able to recite
gun safety rules, the number one rule being do NOT touch Daddy’s guns unless
Daddy is there. He is being raised with the understanding of respect,
morals, and responsibility. If all parents would do this with their
children, there would be nothing to fear.
Children tend to be curious. Take the curiosity OUT of firearms by teaching
them about firearms and firearms safety. Education IS the answer! Children
also tend to do what they are told NOT to do.

“”When some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether
they should let them hunt, I have answered, yes – remembering that it was
one of the best parts of my education – make them hunters.”— Henry David
There have been cases where it was the child who saved a parent from an
Son Shoots Dad’s Attacker:
There was also an incident in California (a state with strict gun control
laws – ie: all guns must be unloaded and locked away from children) where a
pitchfork welding home intruder killed several siblings of a young lady who
could have saved their lives had she been able to get to a self defense
2900 children died in motor vehicle accidents, 950 children lost their lives
from drowning and over 1000 children were killed by fire and burns. More
children die in bicycle accidents each year than die from all type of
firearms accidents. Why don’t we hear these anti second Amendment folks
screaming about THESE children’s death and advocating restrictions on THESE
lifeless inanimate objects. Why are they blaming JUST firearms? Are these
children’s deaths not as tragic? Are these children not as important? We
teach children safety using these items, why not educate them on firearms?

#4. Often, the price of tranquillity is a loss of liberty. Don’t you think
that the partial loss of the right to keep and bear arms is a good price for
a safer world?

Do gun laws REALLY make the world safer? Would Criminals disappear if guns
disappeared? Would violence stop if guns were no longer a tool to be used by
criminals? Would robbers, rapists, thieves, murderers stop just because they
don’t have a firearm available? To answer those questions one has to only
look at the crime stats of the UK, Australia, and Canada. Stats show that
crime is still there….. Stats show that there is an increase in the number
of victims, because they are now unarmed and unable to defend themselves.
Yet in Switzerland, where there is a firearm in every home, crime rates are
In the USA compare the towns/states that have more gun control Vs less gun
control. John Lott, <http://www.tsra.com/LottPage.htm>;, is a senior research
scholar at the Yale University Law School, who started out doing research to
prove his antigun beliefs – that guns caused violence. What he found, was
the complete opposite. In his book, MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME,
he shows that firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens do indeed deter
crime and stop violence. Washington DC has some of the most restrictive gun
laws in the USA. Handguns are banned in Washington DC, yet it has the
highest crime rate around. Vermont has THE most lenient gun laws in the USA,
and its crime rates are lowest.
Compare the stats of Morton Grove Ill who has banned handguns in the city
limits to those of Kennesaw, Georgia who has a city ordinance that states
that all heads of households must own and know how to use a firearm.
Kennesaw has had ONE crime committed in the yrs since that ordinance was
enacted and that was with a KNIFE!
If you were a criminal intent on doing your “job”, which city would you
As Benjamin Franklin said ” Those who choose safety over liberty, neither
deserve nor get either”
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither
inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for
the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage
than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater
confidence than an armed man. Thomas Jefferson (1764)
And here is another good quote: “If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes
shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by
the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a
constitutional right. -Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
In other words:
Murder, rape, burglary, theft, etc. are already illegal. Enforce those laws!
There are all ready laws which will keep firearms out of “the wrong hands”.
Enforce those laws! Punish the INDIVIDUAL who commits the act of violence
and leave the law abiding citizens alone.

#5. Among the slogans of your organizations, one says: “If women are
disarmed, a rapist will never hear, Stop or I’ll shoot!” This is true. But
don’t you think that an armed woman could shoot an innocent guy, only
because she was thinking he’s a would-be rapist?

First of all , statistics prove that the police shoot more innocent people
than armed citizens. From “More Guns, Less Crime” by Dr. John Lott Jr.
University of Chicago Press, 1998 ISBN: 0-26-49363-6 (cloth) Library of
Congress Cataloging-in-publication data A volume in the series of: Studies
in the Law and Economics edited by William Landes and J. Mark Ramseyer. In
the United States during a year, only about 30 people are accidentally
killed by private citizens who mistakenly believe the victim to be an
intruder. By comparison police kill as many as 330 innocent individuals
annually. chapter 1 page 1 Footnote #5: Gary Kleck, Point Blank: Guns and
Violence in America (Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gryyter Publishers, 1991)

Second, WAGC members (women) aren’t stupid. It’s kind of hard to mistake a
would-be rapist. If a guy is coming at you making threatening gestures or
saying threatening things, he’s not approaching you for a friendly chat. If
someone kicks in your door, he’s probably NOT there for a friendly visit.
WAGC advocates that women get training in firearm safety and learn the laws
re: firearms and self-defense where they reside. Third, the majority of guns
used in self defense never even have to be fired. In most cases , firearms
are shown and the intruder turns and runs or they are held there until
police can arrive.
“More than 90 percent of all uses of guns in self-defense do not involve
actually firing the weapon, despite gun control advocates’ assumption that
we are all such trigger-happy idiots that letting ordinary citizens have
guns will lead to bullets flying hither and yon. Like virtually every other
liberal crusade, gun control is based on the assumption that other people
lack common sense and must be controlled by the superior wisdom and virtue
of the anointed.” –Thomas Sowell
“The most dangerous action a woman can take when faced with a criminal is to
resist with her fists: That tends to annoy violent criminals. But a woman
who take the advice of Handgun Control Inc. and passively submits is 2.5
times MORE likely to be injured than a woman who resists with a gun. So if
you don’t want to lie back and enjoy it, get a gun.” – Columnist Ann
Coulter, Universal Press Syndicate, 5/15/00
The following is a link to WAGC’s Armed Citizens Deter Crime and Save Lives
Page: http://www.egroups.com/group/ArmedCitizensDeterCrime
Other links to Newspaper Accounts of Self-Defense with a Firearm include:
KeepandBearArms.com: Gun’s Save Lives – Online news accounts of defensive
gun use.
Packing.org: Defensive Success Stories – Another source of online news
reports of firearms self-defense.
The National Rifle Association, in its “Armed Citizen” column, which appears
monthly in its American Rifleman and American Hunter magazines, publishes
excerpts of self-defense accounts with a firearm from newspapers across the
The Armed Citizen – The current month’s column.
The Armed Citizen Archive – from 6/99 to present.
The Armed Citizen Column – from 1992 to April 1999.

#6. Please, tell us in a few words, why do you oppose gun control?
1) Gun Control is Un-constitutional (or in Europe’s view, where there is no
Constitutional guarantee from Government infringement….. – un human ; you
see every human being has a RIGHT to life… free from persecution. Firearms
are the ultimate guarantor of that RIGHT! Firearms are tools by which that
means is met.
(from Dick Howe) ” Your right of self-defense, with the best weapons
available, existed before there was any government, as noted and restated in
the 2nd amendment.”
“The right there specified is that of “bearing arms for a lawful purpose.”
This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it dependent in
any manner on that instrument for its existence.” Cruikshank 92 US 542
2) Gun Control (in America) is RACIST!
other sites to visit:
3) Gun Control is DEADLY!
Gun control only ‘infringes’ on law abiding citizens RIGHT to self defense
by creating unarmed victims thus making the criminals working environment


a) Gun free Zones:
1) Pearl Miss. High School shooter was stopped by the Assistant Principle
who was able to retrieve his self defense weapon from his car. How many more
lives could have been saved had he had his weapon close and more available?
Colorado, Columbine HS shooters had a free reign over the school. All those
innocent victims could do was hid under tables and pray that they wouldn’t
be next.
2) A Tale of Two Cities: It’s a cautionary tale — or should be — of two
cities. In one (Wakefield, Massachusetts), it was the worst of times because
only the Bad Guy mass murderer had the guns. But, in the other city (New
York), it was the best of times since a Good Guy also had a gun, knew how to
use it, and because of this the Bad Guys are dead.
b) Gun Locks:
1) Twice it has been proven, by anti self defense leaders that trigger locks
ARE deadly!
2) Locks are like safety caps on aspirin bottles…….
It’s been proven that some guns can still be fired with a trigger locks on.
These firearms left laying around (being assumed safe because they had
trigger lock on them) could be deadly.
3) Self defense weapons unloaded and locked are USELESS! There has been more
than one incident where a women were raped and killed in their own home
while attempting to retrieve/unlock a firearm and retrieve ammo from another
location separate of the weapon.
c) Registration and Liscencing First History is full of proof that licensing
and registration leads to confiscation and even genocide.
See: http://www.jpfo.org
This,the MMM’ers claim,will help police find firearms used in crimes.
MMM’ers like to compare this with automobile licensing and registration. My
question to them is this: If an automobile is STOLEN and used in a crime, as
many are, How will the car being registered and the owner being licensed
help the police find out who STOLE the automobile and committed the crime?
Now replace Automobile with firearm. Same thing.
4) Gun Laws do NOT work:
a) Brady Law:
www.gunowners.org <http://www.gunowners.org>; <<http://www.gunowners.org>;
Brady Law Needs Repeal, Not Tougher Enforcement
b) “safe” storage laws
From: <http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel.shtml>;
Not-so Safe-Storage Laws : The only ones ?safe? are the intruders.

#7. Last question: a) why should a woman or a girl join WAGC?
The term we use at WAGC is LADY(IES)….. High caliber LADIES to be exact

As it says on our webpage, it is the anti self defense women who are
ultimately going to try/ trying to take away our basic human right to defend
ourselves and our family. They have no qualms about using the blood of
innocent children to destroy our right to defend our own children. These
women use female emotion mixed with anti self defense propaganda to “make
the streets safer for us”. They want the world to think that ALL women are
anti- self defense and that we do not have a right to defend our families.
WAGC was formed to “shoot holes” in those myths.
The 2A is NOT about guns! It never was, it never will be! IT TRULY MEANS
FREEDOM! It’s about HUMAN RIGHTS! It is a basic fundamental HUMAN RIGHT…..
so say these precious few words in our Declaration and Preamble… “…all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are,LIFE, LIBERTY,…” …and, “…in
Order to…establish, Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defense,…and secure the Blessings of Liberty to…our posterity, do
ordain and establish,…” [that], or [therefore] ,…”THE RIGHT OF THE
the RIGHT to protect that life! WAGC is emphatically dedicated to the right
to LIFE and specifically the RIGHT to PEACEFULLY and RESPONSIBLY own and
carry the MEANS to protect that LIFE and LIBERTY. Firearms are “TOOLS of
DEFENSE and DETERENCE” that over 2 million people use every year to deter
crime and victimhood. Sarah Brady, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Rosie
O’Donnell, Barbara Boxer et al are NOT “anti-gunners” or “gun grabbers”.
GROUP TACTICS” that ultimately give great aid and comfort to, indeed down
that will for ever plague our peaceful society .
No Firearms, No FREEDOM!
Know Firearms, Know FREEDOM!
Criminals prefer unarmed victims!
WAGC…… Where we want our children to grow up in a world where they have
a right to protect LIFE and LIBERTY!

b) And, is your target limited only to American women, or could a foreign
women join?
WAGC’s membership is absolutely NOT limited to American Women (nor is it
limited to women). As a matter of fact, WAGC has already gone international
with supporters in England, South Africa, and Canada. We hope that we might
be able to include Italy as one of our international allies. Anyone
interested in joining please visit our website to sign up:

>(please answer the latter only if a European girl can join – you see, my
idea is to give you a “present” a bit of free advertising
We appreciate all the help we can get, Carlo. Thank you for giving WAGC a

Nancy Herrington
Women Against Gun Control
[email protected]

If a child is raised with morals and respect than there’s nothing to fear.
If a child is raised with the knowledge of guns and what they are capable of
doing , there is nothing to fear. If a child is raised knowing about gun
safety and responsibility, there’s nothing to fear.
I’ve got a 7 yr old nephew who since the age of 2 has been able to recite
gun safety rules, the number one rule being do NOT touch Daddy’s guns unless
Daddy is there. He is being raised with the understanding of respect,
morals, and responsibility. If all parents would do this with their
children, there would be nothing to fear.
Children tend to be curious. Take the curiosity OUT of firearms by teaching
them about firearms and firearms safety. Education IS the answer! Children
also tend to do what they are told NOT to do.

“”When some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether
they should let them hunt, I have answered, yes – remembering that it was
one of the best parts of my education – make them hunters.”— Henry David
There have been cases where it was the child who saved a parent from an
Son Shoots Dad’s Attacker:
There was also an incident in California (a state with strict gun control
laws – ie: all guns must be unloaded and locked away from children) where a
pitchfork welding home intruder killed several siblings of a young lady who
could have saved their lives had she been able to get to a self defense
2900 children died in motor vehicle accidents, 950 children lost their lives
from drowning and over 1000 children were killed by fire and burns. More
children die in bicycle accidents each year than die from all type of
firearms accidents. Why don’t we hear these anti second Amendment folks
screaming about THESE children’s death and advocating restrictions on THESE
lifeless inanimate objects. Why are they blaming JUST firearms? Are these
children’s deaths not as tragic? Are these children not as important? We
teach children safety using these items, why not educate them on firearms?

#4. Often, the price of tranquillity is a loss of liberty. Don’t you think
that the partial loss of the right to keep and bear arms is a good price for
a safer world?

Do gun laws REALLY make the world safer? Would Criminals disappear if guns
disappeared? Would violence stop if guns were no longer a tool to be used by
criminals? Would robbers, rapists, thieves, murderers stop just because they
don’t have a firearm available? To answer those questions one has to only
look at the crime stats of the UK, Australia, and Canada. Stats show that
crime is still there….. Stats show that there is an increase in the number
of victims, because they are now unarmed and unable to defend themselves.
Yet in Switzerland, where there is a firearm in every home, crime rates are
In the USA compare the towns/states that have more gun control Vs less gun
control. John Lott, <http://www.tsra.com/LottPage.htm>;, is a senior research
scholar at the Yale University Law School, who started out doing research to
prove his antigun beliefs – that guns caused violence. What he found, was
the complete opposite. In his book, MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME,
he shows that firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens do indeed deter
crime and stop violence. Washington DC has some of the most restrictive gun
laws in the USA. Handguns are banned in Washington DC, yet it has the
highest crime rate around. Vermont has THE most lenient gun laws in the USA,
and its crime rates are lowest.
Compare the stats of Morton Grove Ill who has banned handguns in the city
limits to those of Kennesaw, Georgia who has a city ordinance that states
that all heads of households must own and know how to use a firearm.
Kennesaw has had ONE crime committed in the yrs since that ordinance was
enacted and that was with a KNIFE!
If you were a criminal intent on doing your “job”, which city would you
As Benjamin Franklin said ” Those who choose safety over liberty, neither
deserve nor get either”
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither
inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for
the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage
than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater
confidence than an armed man. Thomas Jefferson (1764)
And here is another good quote: “If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes
shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by
the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a
constitutional right. -Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
In other words:
Murder, rape, burglary, theft, etc. are already illegal. Enforce those laws!
There are all ready laws which will keep firearms out of “the wrong hands”.
Enforce those laws! Punish the INDIVIDUAL who commits the act of violence
and leave the law abiding citizens alone.

#5. Among the slogans of your organizations, one says: “If women are
disarmed, a rapist will never hear, Stop or I’ll shoot!” This is true. But
don’t you think that an armed woman could shoot an innocent guy, only
because she was thinking he’s a would-be rapist?

First of all , statistics prove that the police shoot more innocent people
than armed citizens. From “More Guns, Less Crime” by Dr. John Lott Jr.
University of Chicago Press, 1998 ISBN: 0-26-49363-6 (cloth) Library of
Congress Cataloging-in-publication data A volume in the series of: Studies
in the Law and Economics edited by William Landes and J. Mark Ramseyer. In
the United States during a year, only about 30 people are accidentally
killed by private citizens who mistakenly believe the victim to be an
intruder. By comparison police kill as many as 330 innocent individuals
annually. chapter 1 page 1 Footnote #5: Gary Kleck, Point Blank: Guns and
Violence in America (Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gryyter Publishers, 1991)

Second, WAGC members (women) aren’t stupid. It’s kind of hard to mistake a
would-be rapist. If a guy is coming at you making threatening gestures or
saying threatening things, he’s not approaching you for a friendly chat. If
someone kicks in your door, he’s probably NOT there for a friendly visit.
WAGC advocates that women get training in firearm safety and learn the laws
re: firearms and self-defense where they reside. Third, the majority of guns
used in self defense never even have to be fired. In most cases , firearms
are shown and the intruder turns and runs or they are held there until
police can arrive.
“More than 90 percent of all uses of guns in self-defense do not involve
actually firing the weapon, despite gun control advocates’ assumption that
we are all such trigger-happy idiots that letting ordinary citizens have
guns will lead to bullets flying hither and yon. Like virtually every other
liberal crusade, gun control is based on the assumption that other people
lack common sense and must be controlled by the superior wisdom and virtue
of the anointed.” –Thomas Sowell
“The most dangerous action a woman can take when faced with a criminal is to
resist with her fists: That tends to annoy violent criminals. But a woman
who take the advice of Handgun Control Inc. and passively submits is 2.5
times MORE likely to be injured than a woman who resists with a gun. So if
you don’t want to lie back and enjoy it, get a gun.” – Columnist Ann
Coulter, Universal Press Syndicate, 5/15/00
The following is a link to WAGC’s Armed Citizens Deter Crime and Save Lives
Page: http://www.egroups.com/group/ArmedCitizensDeterCrime
Other links to Newspaper Accounts of Self-Defense with a Firearm include:
KeepandBearArms.com: Gun’s Save Lives – Online news accounts of defensive
gun use.
Packing.org: Defensive Success Stories – Another source of online news
reports of firearms self-defense.
The National Rifle Association, in its “Armed Citizen” column, which appears
monthly in its American Rifleman and American Hunter magazines, publishes
excerpts of self-defense accounts with a firearm from newspapers across the
The Armed Citizen – The current month’s column.
The Armed Citizen Archive – from 6/99 to present.
The Armed Citizen Column – from 1992 to April 1999.

#6. Please, tell us in a few words, why do you oppose gun control?
1) Gun Control is Un-constitutional (or in Europe’s view, where there is no
Constitutional guarantee from Government infringement….. – un human ; you
see every human being has a RIGHT to life… free from persecution. Firearms
are the ultimate guarantor of that RIGHT! Firearms are tools by which that
means is met.
(from Dick Howe) ” Your right of self-defense, with the best weapons
available, existed before there was any government, as noted and restated in
the 2nd amendment.”
“The right there specified is that of “bearing arms for a lawful purpose.”
This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it dependent in
any manner on that instrument for its existence.” Cruikshank 92 US 542
2) Gun Control (in America) is RACIST!
other sites to visit:
3) Gun Control is DEADLY!
Gun control only ‘infringes’ on law abiding citizens RIGHT to self defense
by creating unarmed victims thus making the criminals working environment

a) Gun free Zones:
1) Pearl Miss. High School shooter was stopped by the Assistant Principle
who was able to retrieve his self defense weapon from his car. How many more
lives could have been saved had he had his weapon close and more available?
Colorado, Columbine HS shooters had a free reign over the school. All those
innocent victims could do was hid under tables and pray that they wouldn’t
be next.
2) A Tale of Two Cities: It’s a cautionary tale — or should be — of two
cities. In one (Wakefield, Massachusetts), it was the worst of times because
only the Bad Guy mass murderer had the guns. But, in the other city (New
York), it was the best of times since a Good Guy also had a gun, knew how to
use it, and because of this the Bad Guys are dead.
b) Gun Locks:
1) Twice it has been proven, by anti self defense leaders that trigger locks
ARE deadly!
2) Locks are like safety caps on aspirin bottles…….
It’s been proven that some guns can still be fired with a trigger locks on.
These firearms left laying around (being assumed safe because they had
trigger lock on them) could be deadly.
3) Self defense weapons unloaded and locked are USELESS! There has been more
than one incident where a women were raped and killed in their own home
while attempting to retrieve/unlock a firearm and retrieve ammo from another
location separate of the weapon.
c) Registration and Liscencing First History is full of proof that licensing
and registration leads to confiscation and even genocide.
See: http://www.jpfo.org
This,the MMM’ers claim,will help police find firearms used in crimes.
MMM’ers like to compare this with automobile licensing and registration. My
question to them is this: If an automobile is STOLEN and used in a crime, as
many are, How will the car being registered and the owner being licensed
help the police find out who STOLE the automobile and committed the crime?
Now replace Automobile with firearm. Same thing.
4) Gun Laws do NOT work:
a) Brady Law:
www.gunowners.org <http://www.gunowners.org>; <<http://www.gunowners.org>;
Brady Law Needs Repeal, Not Tougher Enforcement
b) “safe” storage laws
From: <http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel.shtml>;
Not-so Safe-Storage Laws : The only ones ?safe? are the intruders.

#7. Last question: a) why should a woman or a girl join WAGC?
The term we use at WAGC is LADY(IES)….. High caliber LADIES to be exact

As it says on our webpage, it is the anti self defense women who are
ultimately going to try/ trying to take away our basic human right to defend
ourselves and our family. They have no qualms about using the blood of
innocent children to destroy our right to defend our own children. These
women use female emotion mixed with anti self defense propaganda to “make
the streets safer for us”. They want the world to think that ALL women are
anti- self defense and that we do not have a right to defend our families.
WAGC was formed to “shoot holes” in those myths.
The 2A is NOT about guns! It never was, it never will be! IT TRULY MEANS
FREEDOM! It’s about HUMAN RIGHTS! It is a basic fundamental HUMAN RIGHT…..
so say these precious few words in our Declaration and Preamble… “…all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are,LIFE, LIBERTY,…” …and, “…in
Order to…establish, Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defense,…and secure the Blessings of Liberty to…our posterity, do
ordain and establish,…” [that], or [therefore] ,…”THE RIGHT OF THE
the RIGHT to protect that life! WAGC is emphatically dedicated to the right
to LIFE and specifically the RIGHT to PEACEFULLY and RESPONSIBLY own and
carry the MEANS to protect that LIFE and LIBERTY. Firearms are “TOOLS of
DEFENSE and DETERENCE” that over 2 million people use every year to deter
crime and victimhood. Sarah Brady, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Rosie
O’Donnell, Barbara Boxer et al are NOT “anti-gunners” or “gun grabbers”.
GROUP TACTICS” that ultimately give great aid and comfort to, indeed down
that will for ever plague our peaceful society .
No Firearms, No FREEDOM!
Know Firearms, Know FREEDOM!
Criminals prefer unarmed victims!
WAGC…… Where we want our children to grow up in a world where they have
a right to protect LIFE and LIBERTY!

b) And, is your target limited only to American women, or could a foreign
women join?
WAGC’s membership is absolutely NOT limited to American Women (nor is it
limited to women). As a matter of fact, WAGC has already gone international
with supporters in England, South Africa, and Canada. We hope that we might
be able to include Italy as one of our international allies. Anyone
interested in joining please visit our website to sign up:


This Last prt won’t be in the article of course…

>(please answer the latter only if a European girl can join – you see, my
idea is to give you a “present” a bit of free advertising
We appreciate all the help we can get, Carlo. Thank you for giving WAGC a
