We are strugling here in Missouri to get WAGC off the ground.
I have finally found a member who is willing to recruit and get active, some of the other members are not very active.
After this disaster of an election (we lost our only hope of getting ccw in Missouri when democrats stole the election through blatant voter fraud), we hope to organize WAGC and some other local chapters of gun rights groups to work together to win the next one.
We are also going to be monitoring any anti-gun events for counter demonstrations.
The St. Louis director of MMM finally came out of the closet and made HIMSELF known. So I plan on keeping an eye on their events and maybe we can discuss things man to man (or woman to woman as the case may be).
We recently held a demonstration at the “interfaith forum on sensible gun laws” in St. Louis county. Our turn-out was very small, but the good news is, so was theirs (less than 100, many of whom were gun supporters). They even had Dees-Thomases in, and the media didn’t show.
We did, however draw the attention of the local police and one speaker refered to us as “Charlton Heston’s psycopaths”.
In the future, our demonstrations are going to be better organized. We may need outside support, so any other state chapters who would like to get involved, please contact me at the above e-mail address, or through Nancy.
Chuck (WAGCMO)