WAGC’s Three Questions
Because we believe so passionately that America’s women (and men) not only have the constitutional INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to carry a firearm, but that they also have the DUTY to take responsibility for their own safety, we’d like to challenge you to reply to WAGC’s 3 Questions.
1) If the women in your life (mother, wife or daughter) lived in a community where a serial rapist were on the lose, would you feel safer if the women were trained …
A. in firearm safety and use
B. how to dial 911 on a cell phone
C. to lock up doors and windows in their homes/apts
D. in Martial Arts
2) Your wife, mother, girlfriend, sister, aunt, or daughter is a teacher/student in a public school and she is threatened in school. Which scenario would you rather have her in?
A. a school where one of the administration is well trained and is carrying a firearm
B. a school where all the faculty and students can do is hide under the tables
C. a school where the only defense they have is love, caring and understanding
3) Put yourself in a rapist’s shoes for a moment. Which of the following women would you prefer as a victim?
A. the one with no self defense
B. the one who is trained in firearm use and safety
C. the one carrying mace and a cell phone
Thank you for taking the time to think about the safety of America’s women and children. To find out more about WAGC and how you can defend your right to self-defense visit our website.
Help us spread the message that not all women are anti self defense. Join WAGC TODAY!
Stay safe, Take responsibility for your own safety… learn to use a firearm SAFELY AND RESPONSIBLY!