Wal-Mart Parking lot kidnapping – excellent advice from a retired cop !
Wal-Mart Parking lot kidnapping
I know that many on this list are sport shooters, and there are some who
don’t feel the need to carry, but there are those who carry for self-defense.
Maybe it would be a good idea for the list to discuss and review carry and survival
methods and to discuss dangerous environments, (Wal-Mart Parking lots being
one the the most dangerous to innocent citizens, regardless of time of day)
Also, surveillance systems aren’t worth a damn if no one is watching them
real-time….Ladies, you are responsible for your own safety when out and about.
Gentlemen, you can be targeted by some loser who can’t read body language.
Perhaps we should review the basic concepts of the use of lethal force in self-defense.
It couldn’t hurt…everyone should keep training and commit the law to memory..
You want training to take over and kick in before you can think about it..
That means mentally identifying a lethal force justifiable scenario and reacting
to defend almost simultaneously….
I know you all know this, but if we can prevent the death or injury or rape
(age means nothing to a rapist) of an innocent citizen, why not go into it again?
Joe Horn,
One of list baco-bits boys (cop), NRA Life (Neal Knox, R.I.P.)