Walter William on Triger Locks (FAIR USE)
But you might say whatever it takes to prevent the accidental death of our
children is worth it. Then I suggest that you prioritize things a bit. The
number of children killed accidentally by guns is 142. We’d save more child
lives (1010) by closing swimming pools, save 201 lives by banning cycling
and 675 by banning pedestrian activities. Again, if we only look to the
benefit (saving lives), we might outlaw these activities, but what would be
the cost? Our children would lose all the joy and entertainment from
swimming, bicycling and playing in the streets.
Economics gives no clue about the motivation of people who push for one
public policy or another. So I’m going to go out on the limb regarding the
motivation of gun-safety-lock advocates: These people want ultimate gun
confiscation, and gun locks are just another nuisance factor toward that