We must make a stand!

March 1st, 2012

I have begun to contact my Senators & Representative concerning the very dangerous precedent that is being set in today’s political climate.

It was bad enough for Americans to be willing to give up civil liberties allowing the government to circumvent the 4th & 5th amendments to carry on the “war on drugs”, but now it’s far worse with the direct assault on the second amendment.

My campaign is to emphasize to congress that the Constitution provides a way for this document to be changed, & that is by ratifying an amendment. However, our government is ILLEGALLY changing this document by passing laws contrary to the 2nd amendment.


Gun control (which does not work on criminals anyway) is an illegal modification to the Constitution. If the government wishes to change or eliminate the 2nd amendment, then they must ratify an additional amendment that changes the existing wording of the 2nd. Unless this ratification process is used, then any gun control legislation is actually illegal.

Now, if we sit idle & allow the 2nd amendment to be illegally changed & do nothing to stop it, then what will be the next amendment to be on the chopping block? Will we lose free speech? Free press? (Media types should squirm at that possiblity). Will the state impose a religion on us? Does this sound ridiculous? Well, if the 2nd goes, then guarantee me that no others will fall after it.

We must insist that the government, if they are going to change the 2nd amendment, MUST do it legally or not at all. That’s my opinion, & that’s what I’m attempting to get over to my Senators.

I’d appreciate any feedback as I’ve come to feel that this board has exceptionally educated & logical thinking people on it.

Do you feel this is the right track or not?

Thanks, Dave B.