We’ve Gone The Wrong Way, Baby – Part II
We’ve Gone The Wrong Way, Baby – Part II
June 4, 2003
by Resa LaRu Kirkland
I think I missed a memo in my journey through womanhood. I mean, at what point
did being female become synonymous with being anti-gun? As I’ve pondered that
question, I’ve come to the conclusion that it must have been somewhere around
the time that society began cow-towing to the feminist tendency to abandon logic
and reason in favor of the emotional free-for-all that has come to define these
Stalinist Suffragettes.
And like the rest of feminism, this one makes absolutely no sense. It is just
as annoying, outrageous, and perilous to society as all their other narcissistic
ideologies have been.
Leave it to feminism to blame an inanimate object for animated behavior.
The argument against guns raised by these Shrieking Sheilas is right in line
with leftist lingo. Given the horrendous and horrifying increase of children
who commit violent crimes against each other and adults in the past 20 years,
these self-styled paragons for the pre-pubescent scrambled to place the blame
anywhere but on themselves. After all, their battle cry-Mrs. Lovejoy style-of
“Won’t someone puhlease think of the children?” was looking thin and shaky at
best in the face of such un-childlike behavior. How could those within society
who are the most tender, the most precious, the most given to spontaneous
expressions of ardent love, become these cruel, hardened, and criminal creatures
we now see on Court TV, staring back at us with hollow faces, angry eyes, and
hurt hearts? Surely it had to be some enormous act of evil, some overwhelming
world plague of malevolence that caused this sorrow of the modern day. Logic
dictates that for so radical a change to take place in so short a time, it had
to be a force so awesome, so sudden and new and perverse that no society on
earth could have overcome or prevented. Oh but whatever could this force be?
If you ask the feminists, the answer is as simple as their minds-guns. Yes,
according to the left’s pin-ups, that which caused this horror to be released
upon the world was an inanimate object, incapable of movement or force or a will
of its own. That makes sense, right?
Yeah, right.
The problem with that line of reasoning is that it is flat-out wrong. If guns
are at fault, how do feminists explain that 100 years ago, every ten year old in
America had a gun that he used on an almost daily basis? Hell, you don’t even
have to go back that far. Only sixty years ago, my father and his friends were
running around the deserts of El Paso, TX. He and every other ten year old on
the planet had a .22. In fact, most parents bought them for their kids. Back
then, even a child could take his nickels and dimes into the corner store and
buy the rifle himself. And not once did it ever occur to them to turn that
rifle on another.
How can this be?
Back then, mothers and fathers taught their children to respect a gun, to clean
it and care for it, to never point it at anything they didn’t intend to shoot,
and most of all, that the gun was not a toy, but a tool to be used wisely. It
was a right of passage for these boys to be taught the value of a gun, and how
to use it. And on that golden day that they received their gun, it was the
first step toward manhood. The sight of a group of boys running with rifles in
hand was an everyday event, and no one thought evil of it. Back then, before
guns were registered, before you had to be 18 to even get a rifle, before laws
and regulations limited which of these tools you could use or not use, children
handled guns everyday, and handled them wisely.
How can this be?
Back then, the most popular movies were war-based and action thrillers where
there was a lot of fighting and killing going on. In those days-as my father
has told me over and over again!-a child could work for a couple of hours for
some neighbor and earn enough for a Saturday double feature, a giant candy bar,
and a big soda. Going to the movies was done at least once a week. They saw
violence ad nauseum. And yet it never occurred to them to go home and use a
real gun to act out the on-screen violence.
How can this be?
According to the left, it is the fault of the gun for the increase in children’s
violence. By their logic, somehow, just the sight and feel of a gun causes an
otherwise innocent child to become possessed of a raging demon, hell-bent on
murder and mayhem. Yes, it is that wretched concoction of metal, oil, brass,
and gunpowder that is responsible for children gone wild. Add to that their
claims that the violence seen on TV and at the movies seals the deal, and surely
there is enough blame for both the gun and television. Yeah.it’s their fault.
What a load of crap.
If that were true, why has gun violence among children increased at an alarming
rate since the advent of restrictive gun laws 30 years ago? By their own
left-wing arguments, restricting guns and keeping them from children will
greatly decrease violence from and against our children, and yet the murders and
beatings and rapes have multiplied at a horrifying rate. What is wrong with
this picture?
According to A Citizen’s Guide to Federal Firearm Laws, “.if anything, gun laws
are more restrictive now than they were thirty years ago. Prior to the 1968 Gun
Control Act, a firearm could be purchased through the mail. Even a child could
purchase a rifle or shotgun this way (by lying about one’s age). Virtually
anyone could walk into a gun store and purchase a firearm. Nowadays you must be
18 years of age for the purchase of a shotgun or rifle and 21 to purchase a
firearm other than a rifle or shotgun. Violation of these laws can include up to
10 years imprisonment.”
I’ll tell you what’s wrong with this picture. Children have precious few years
to form their thinking. Their brains gain 80% of its knowledge about the world
and human behavior by the age of 5. During this short time, they are forming
forever the brain tracts that will determine how they will respond to any given
stimulus. Most children are in daycare from infancy until public school, and
due to the huge turnover in daycare workers, the average child will have at
least a dozen different adult workers influencing their brains before they even
enter kindergarten-adults who are there only for the lousy pay, who are usually
looking for the Bigger Better Deal, who leave the instant the BBD comes along,
and who don’t love, treasure, adore, or have a vested interest in your child and
his feelings, potential, and the world which he will someday inherit. The
messages flying toward the undeveloped brains from a plethora of sources causes
confusion, frustration, and the build-up of anger so prevalent in today’s youth.
The human child is not meant to learn under this type of stress until he is much
older. They are designed for the one-on-one teachings that have taken place
between parent and child since man stepped out of the garden. This is the way
they grow, learn, and love, and in turn, this is the way society thrives.
Thanks to the feminist Great Home Exodus of 30 years ago that caused the
standard of living to escalate to such a point that families can no longer live
a middle income lifestyle on one salary, this ideal is no longer the world in
which our children must live and form their opinions. They are now raised by
institutions with a myriad of adults, all with different beliefs, styles, and
messages assaulting their fragile psyches. As Bernard Goldberg reported in his
best-seller Bias, our children are becoming cruel and violent. They have lost
their natural tenderness, are easily angered, increasingly aggravated, and
taking it out on the world around them. And the only significant difference in
the life of children between when my father was being raised-handling guns every
day and never attacking his school-and the children of today-who steal guns and
mow down their friends–is the absence of the mother in the home. And worst of
all, according to Goldberg, the feminists know this and have gone out of the way
to hide the truth from the world, because that would make them appear evil. It
would make their enemy-conservative Americans, men, and the family unit-appear
right. And with all of their cries that women are creatures of immeasurable
strength, they have yet to gain the potency to admit the horrible truth-that
they sold out their own offspring for the corner office, the fancy title, and
the fatter paycheck. This, apparently, is the way society dies.
Oh if it was only the appearance of evil! Time is proving that it has gone way
beyond that point–feminism doesn’t just appear evil.it is evil. And I have a
newsflash for them: It isn’t guns that have forced crime rates up, it’s mothers
who have let their own flesh and blood down.
Children act out when they’re hurt, when they want attention. The acting out
now is just more violent, but the reasons are the same. We have begun drugging
our children and labeling them with phoney-baloney diseases rather than
accepting the fact that God and nature were right when they handed women the
children and the responsibility to raise them right. We took the easy way out
because being around kids, taking responsibility for what they learn and how
they are raised is hard, and thanks to feminist rhetoric, is supposed to be a
cause for embarrassment. Because of this, our children have turned to drugs,
gangs, and earlier sexual activity, all in a desperate desire to attain what
they should have been given-the unconditional love and firm guidance of a mother
who is there for them, in every meaning of the word.
Women, it’s our fault our babies are using guns. It’s our fault they’re using
drugs. It’s our fault they are engaging in sex. It is NOT the fault of the
gun, the drug, or the bed! These are objects which are merely subject to the
will of a human. It is that will with which we should be concerned, because it
is our awesome responsibility to help shape and guide the person behind that
will. Stop blaming inanimate objects for objectionable behavior and get
animated and object loudly enough to change society. It’s been done before-30
years ago. The only way this will change is to undo this evil, and the only way
to do that is to get off your fat butts and go home. Your child is worth more
than you. Start behaving as if you actually believe that.
The force that has changed society is radical, overwhelming, and perverse all
right, but it isn’t guns.it’s mothers, and the lack thereof.
Resa LaRu Kirkland: [email protected]
Resa LaRu Kirkland is an avid military historian, with her main focus the Korean
War and its forgotten warriors. She has been given many names by her beloved
Korean War Vets, her favorites being “The Pitbull,” “Rambo Brockovich,”
“Hellraiser,” “Tiger” and “D-Day.” Resa’s first book-FORGOTTEN WARRIOR:
RICARDO’S STORY-is due to be released on Veteran’s Day, 2003. To pre-order now,
please get in touch with her via email. The book will be hard back, $29.95 plus
$6.95 shipping and handling, and each book will be autographed. Those who
pre-order before November will also receive an autographed poster of America’s
War Chick. Pictures and a synopsis of the book can be viewed at her website.
Visit her website at: Forgotten Warrior Project