What is Citizens Of America?
What is Citizens Of America?
In Sierra Times by editorial staff
Editor’s Note by Weldon Clark If you’re going to VOTE this November, you may as
well register to get a nice PRIZE for doing so. Check this out. Register to
vote on line by printing out a form and mailing it.
http://directedfire.com/greatgungiveaway/ leads to
http://www.fec.gov./votregis/vr.htm Or go to www.NRAILA.org then click on
onlinedemocracy.com and follow prompts.
In a recent article titled “My Southern Vision”, SierraTimes.com editor J.J.
Johnson stated, “The [news/mass communications] media has always been a first-
strike weapon of governments with a lust for more power.
Other conservative movements (both past and present) can testify to this.” The
founders of Citizens Of America couldn’t agree more. COA is a California tax
exempt non-profit corporation that is running a national pro-gun rights,
pro-self defense media campaign. COA’s solution to fighting this “lust for more
power”, which they believe is behind the push to disarm American citizens, is to
fight fire with fire.
“If you’re an average citizen, you’ve never seen or heard anything like our
ads,” says COA president Brian Puckett. “We go for the emotional jugular first,
and follow with an appeal to reason.” A good example is their radio ad called
911 Hell.
“On the surface, COA ads are about the right to own and carry guns,” Puckett
continues, “but the underlying messages are issues that seize everyone’s
attention, no matter what their political inclination – the right to
self-defense, the impossibility of receiving 24-hour police protection, the
empowerment of criminals by disarming citizens, and the
selfishness of politicians elevating their own lives above the lives of other
COA ads are intended for the general public. “We don’t preach to the choir by
putting ads in gun magazines, we don’t give money to elected politicians to keep
supporting the Constitution, we don’t hire lobbyists to plead with any public of
ficials to obey their oaths of office, and we don’t explain the Second
Amendment,” Puckett says, “Politicians these days only respond to what the
voters want, so our goal is to convince voters to want their gun rights.”
COA believes that even if the ads don’t completely convince voters that guns are
good, they can still effectively alter the political equation, “Basically, our
ads can help move guns off voters’ and politicians’ radar screen. For a closer
look at this strategy you can click our homepage button called “What Good Are
COA Ads?”
Even though COA isn’t yet a year old, and has yet to take in even a fraction of
the funds that established gun rights organizations bring in, they have an
impressive track record. Their ads have run in 43 states on well over 300 radio
stations. The ads are running somewhere in the U.S. on any given day. Pro-gun
rights station managers and program
hosts continue to run the ads free of charge as public service announcements.
The publisher of one multi-state outdoor news tabloid, Vilcom Outdoor News, has
voluntarily run COA print ads in several issues.
“Anyone can download our publication-ready print ads or our broadcast-quality
MP3 ads right off the internet and use them. In fact many radio stations have
done just that, and we’ve found out later that they ran the ads as PSA’s. Of
course some radio stations and publications won’t run the ads without our paying
Individual gun rights activists across the country raise funds locally to run
COA radio or print ads in their own area, usually with a further infusion of
funds from COA itself. “This is extremely helpful, as we can’t possibly raise
enough money at this point in our existence to run ads in every city in the
U.S,.” Puckett explains. “The fact that the money will be used locally is a real
incentive to citizens to get involved. They don’t want to wait for COA to target
their own cities and
towns for ads, so they get active and do it themselves.”
Aside from citizens donating anywhere from $2 to $1,000,COA has received public
relations support from a number of individuals and organizations since it’s
creation eleven months ago, including Guns and Ammo Magazine; Jon Dougherty and
Geoff Metcalf, WorldNet Daily columnists; Jeff Rense (Sightings), Tom Gresham
(Gun Talk), Derry Brownfield (The Derry Brownfield Show) Johnny Rowland (The
Shooting Show), and Cal Smith (The TRT Show), all popular syndicated radio show
hosts; “Fred’s Column” in the widely distributed publication Shotgun News and on
the internet Second Amendment News. “As far as operating funds go, virtually
every cent comes from individual donations,” Puckett states. “We’re still fairly
new, so we have no large institutional or corporate sources of
funding at this time – though we hope to in the future.”
This lack of big-bucks funding has kept COA true to its original goal of
efficiency. “We run a lean, mean organization,” Puckett says. “Donated office
space, a small, dedicated board of directors, subcontractors for production and
administrative work, donated talent, and so forth. We are
mainly internet-based, and have no plans to get into costly snail mail
fundraising from individuals. People who want to donate to this national
campaign can go to our homepage and scroll to the bottom, where they can donate
by credit card or other internet systems, or get our mailing address.”
Puckett concludes, “We’d like to have millions of dollars available to turn the
tide of public opinion, which we think is absolutely possible. But everything
we’ve done so far has been accomplished on less than NRA executive vice
president Wayne LaPierre’s reported salary for just five
months. We’re very proud of that.” (Editor’s Note by Weldon Clark COA is doing
public pro-gun ads NRA is not doing. The comparison with the Executive Vice
President’s salary is presented to show the relative scale of the two efforts.
We need to support all the organizations in the pro-gun movement who are doing
good work.)
COA is a non-profit organization that is running a NATIONAL PRO-GUN MEDIA
CAMPAIGN that reaches ALL Americans, not just gun owners. Read the last section
of this email for more information.
**** COA ads CONTINUE to run as frequent public service announcements on WYDE
850AM, Birmingham, Alabama with heavy play throughout morning drive by Alabama’s
most popular morning AM team, Russ & Dee Fine.
**** We are gearing up to run RADIO and/or PRINT ads in ATLANTA, GA, and
WASHINGTON DC. Both have large populations of our Black brothers and sisters.
We’d love for them to hear this ad:
I’m No Slave, RealPlayer: http://www.citizensofamerica.org/Imnoslave.ram
I’m No Slave, MP3: http://www.citizensofamerica.org/Imnoslave.m3u
If you like the idea of our ads running in the nation’s capital — then SUPPORT
US! Go to the homepage and scroll to the bottom:
**** We are also about to run a heavy PRINT and RADIO ad campaign in the San
Francisco Bay/Silicon Valley area. This huge concentration of Americans, many
quite affluent, VOTE. We need to remind them forcefully of why they should
support pro-self-defense, pro-firearm, pro-Constitution candidates. Help us
accomplish this by supporting COA.
**** The COA radio ad campaign on the most powerful FM radio station in the
U.S. — KRUZ in Santa Barbara, California, which covers a 180-mile stretch of
the central CA coast — continues for the next few weeks. But we don’t have as
many ads on the air as we’d like. California politics affects ALL AMERICANS –
for one thing, it has the most electoral
college votes — so we need more people voting PRO-SELF DEFENSE this November.
Help us get the word out by supporting COA.
**** An article on Citizens Of America that appeared in the internet news source
SIERRA TIMES (show above) can be read at:
**** An article on the current NRA management, written by COA president Brian
Puckett, appears on the gun rights super website www.KeepAndBearArms.com. It can
be read at:
**** HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: An article on computer programmers and engineers (which
prominently mentions San Jose, CA COA Coordinator Michael Pelletier) can be read
on the website DigitalMass.com at:
**** Want to continue keeping up with the latest news and articles from the most
comprehensive gun rights website? Then SUPPORT the organization that provides
them: SUBSCRIBE to KeepAndBearArms.com — it’s $30 for the
year, and worth every penny. This site has the best, most thought-provoking gun
rights articles on the net. http://www.keepandbeararms.com/President/
**** Sierra Times, one of the most popular internet NEWS sites, gives you news
of interest to those interested in freedom issues, Constitutional issues, and
gun rights issues – - among other things. Check them out and sign on for their
free news service: http://www.sierratimes.com
**** Have any LIBERAL or ANTI-GUN FEMALE friends?
Send them to this site. The short, clear homepage presentation alone is worth
the visit. http://www.geocities.com/customsites4you/NoMoreGunContr
**** We have raised the minimum COA donation to receive a
FREE Springbok Kydex holster to $100. Check out the
Springbok offer — and other such offers:
“I am much more afraid of living under the rule of a man than I am of picking up
my rifle and going to war for the Second Amendment.” –Jim Houck, armed
American, Founder, Creative Director, Citizens of America Citizensofamerica.org
COA is a non-profit organization that is running a NATIONAL PRO-GUN MEDIA
CAMPAIGN that reaches ALL Americans, not just gun owners. Read the last section
of this email for more information.
With elections approaching, we need to get the PRO-GUN message out to ALL
Americans. LEARN more, SEE and HEAR our ads at http://www.citizensofamerica.org
COA is funded solely by your donations — which we are constantly SPENDING. We
run an efficient organization — everything COA has accomplished in the last
eleven months (as recorded in our series of COA NEWS AND UPDATES, and see our
station play list at
http://www.citizensofamerica.org/medialist.htm ) — has been done on less than
FIVE MONTHS’ WORTH of NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre’s reported
PERSONAL salary.
COA needs your CONTINUED SUPPORT. To understand
the political effect we can have, finish reading this update and then read “What
Good Are COA Ads?”: http://www.citizensofamerica.org/whatgood.htm
Donate to COA via credit card, check, money order, PayPal, or e-Gold by
scrolling to the bottom of our homepage: http://www.citizensofamerica.org
Or send checks to:
Citizens Of America, Inc.
2118 Wilshire Blvd. #447
Santa Monica CA 90403
COA is a California non-profit public benefit corporation. Donations to COA are
NOT tax-deductible.
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What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see www.2ndamendment.net For legislative updates contact
www.nealknox.com and go to “Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative
Update Line”
The Georgia Sport Shooting Association wants you! A free shooting events list is
published every two weeks. Go to www.gssa.com and sign up today.
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