What’s More Important Than the Superbowl?

March 1st, 2012

From “Nealz Nuz” at http://www.boortz.com/nealznuz.htm



It happened in Jacksonville last week. A store clerk removed a would-be
robber from the gene pool. Now it’s happened in Atlanta…right outside the
offices of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, right before the Super Bowl.
An AJC security guard watched a man under attack pull a gun and shoot the
other man in the leg. The attacker was critical at Grady Friday night.

It’s happening more and more often around this country. 7,000 times a day,
people defend their lives by using firearms. But this case is actually a
rarity: In the vast majority of cases where people protect themselves with
firearms, the gun is never fired.

The AP’s latest opinion survey of the presidential candidates is on whether
citizens should have the right to carry concealed weapons. Note the stark
difference between the responses of the Democrats and the Republicans. Bill
Bradley believes concealed carry increases crime. Bull****. Read “More
Guns, Less Crime” and find out just how wrong Bradley is.

Al Gore wants stricter gun-control measures “to keep guns out of the wrong
hands, without unnecessarily imposing on the rights of law-abiding hunters
and homeowners.” Republicans, on the other hand, all came out in favor of
concealed carry.

There’s your campaign issue, folks. It’s more important than the Super Bowl
or Monday Night Nitro. Last night might have been fun, but it’s time to
focus on a campaign that will have a direct impact on your
constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms to preserve the
safety of you and your loved ones.