When it comes to protecting your life, what would YOU plead?
A violent criminal who assaults, rapes, robs, or murders you has several Constitutional rights. He can plead:
The Fourth Amendment, against unreasonable search and seizure
The Fifth Amendment, against self-incrimination
The Sixth Amendment, for a speedy trial by jury with legal assistance
The Eighth Amendment, against cruel and unusual punishments
These rights exist, of course, not to protect criminals, but as the price of living in a free society instead of a police state.
Don’t YOU have rights too? If a criminal attacks you,
You can plead the Second Amendment
Left: “Gun control means lining up the sights and squeezing, not pulling, the trigger.”
Right: “The Declaration of Independence says I have natural rights to my life and my liberty. The Second Amendment assures those rights. My personal safety is just as important as Senator Dianne Feinstein’s or Senator Ted Kennedy’s. They want me to give up my handgun, but they either carry guns themselves or have armed bodyguards.”
Don’t let Handgun Control Incorporated and its fellow travelers undermine your right to “plead the Second” when it comes to protecting your life and health.