
March 1st, 2012

Just one more post & I promise I’m done for today. When I first looked at the SAS-AIM sponsor list, I saw a group calling themselves whitehouseprotests.com. For a nominal fee, they will protest for you. They will hold a banner in front of the White House for a specified period of time and do the “work” while you rest easy in the comfort of your home. Their business concept didn’t impress me. I thought it was cheesy. But, their money’s just as green as mine (and they gave more of it), so I gave the matter no further thought. Except remembering some quote somewhere about how the people who make money off of war are the arms dealers and the undertakers. I don’t know which group these guys fall into, but it sure ain’t the footsoldiers. Guess who else’s website they’re on now? Can we say MMM…….