Why Do So Many Women Attend Courses At Front Sight?
“In one weekend, you managed to accomplish what my husband would never have been able to do. You turned my anti-gun sentiments 180 degrees. I came home, took my handgun safety test and can’t wait to get my new Glock 23.”
Man, I bet that chaps some anti gun @&&
Why Do So Many Women Attend Courses At Front Sight?
Please send to all on your E-Mail Lists.
February 5, 2003
From: Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Why Do So Many Women Attend Courses At Front Sight?
Dear Front Sight Students and Friends,
Unless you have attended a course at Front Sight you probably
would not know that Front Sight leads the industry in training
the highest percentage of women in firearms courses.
There is a reason for this.
LeAnne Farmer sums it up pretty well in her letter below.
We look forward to seeing your ENTIRE family at Front Sight
learning the life changing skills we teach and having a great
time in the process.
Ignatius Piazza
Dear Dr. Piazza,
I know you get this all the time, but I wanted to thank you so
much for the wonderful experience my husband and I had at Front
Sight last week. I read all the testimonials and thought, “Yeah,
whatever, there’s going to be a bunch of psychos out there.”
Little did I know that one weekend would change our lives. I
have never experienced an organization that was as efficiently
and professionally run. I did not think it was possible to learn
that amount of information in 4 days. Your staff is exceptional
in every way.
To be honest, I agreed to come for two reasons: Chad enjoys
firearms and because we have guns in the house (over my excessive
protest), I thought I should know how to use them. In one
weekend, you managed to accomplish what my husband would never
have been able to do. You turned my anti-gun sentiments 180
degrees. I came home, took my handgun safety test and can’t wait
to get my new Glock 23.
I am so excited that what used to be grounds for an argument in
our relationship is now becoming such fun.
We dry practice every night so next time when we come we’ll earn
Distinguished Graduate Status, which will be the first step on
our road to becoming a Handgun Combat Masters.
You’ve given Chad and I a new hobby to share together. We’re
already making a list of people we need to bring out to Front
Sight. Keep up the outstanding work!!
Thanks a million!
LeAnne Farmer