Why do they fear us?

March 1st, 2012

Why Do They Fear Us?


Peter W. Wickham, Jr

It often causes me to wonder why gun-grabbers (and other liberals, for that matter) fear us gunowners so much. I mean I understand the fear of running into a violent criminal who may be armed with an assortment of weapons (not necessarily firearms). I suffer from an adult-onset form of Muscular Dystrophy and walk with the aid of canes or crutches which sets me up as an easy target and so I prefer to go out carrying some form of weapon to protect myself and my family from these predatory types. We have laws against the type of activities these low-lifes will inflict upon others and so there should be enough laws to go around, but the gungrabbers don’t want to stop there. They want laws to keep you and me from owning the best means of defense regardless of court decisions or scientific studies that show these laws have no control on the crime rate and may go so far as to have an opposite effect endangering some innocent lives. They say it’s for our own good, or at least for our children’s sake, but something tells me they are afraid of us. I wonder why.

I think part of their problem is that we choose to take care of ourselves. We own the ultimate means to protect our homes and families and prefer to depend on ourselves, our training, and our experience rather than “911″ which we know is mostly a mop-up action at best. We know the courts have determined that the Police have no obligation to protect us and we have prepared for a worst case scenario.

Along with our firearms, we may own fire extinguishers too. We will make the first attempt to save our property from damage but still have the good sense to get out when it becomes too dangerous. We know that the main reason the Fire Department tries to put the fire out on our house is not to save our property but to stop the fire from spreading to our neighbor’s house. We’ve drilled members of our household, particularly the younger ones, on the best and alternate routes to get out of the house and we’ve taught the best ways to prevent fires in the first place.

We also might own fishing poles. We know the nutritious values of a fish dinner and we know it tastes best when you’ve caught it yourself. We’ve taught our young about safety around water, safety with sharp objects like knives and hooks, and the best way to reel in the big one. We know how to prepare and cook the fish and serve it up just right. You shouldn’t find one of us starving.

We might own flashlights and candles as we know the ability of our local power company to deliver their product to our home is a lot less reliable than the sunrise. We might have stored up necessities needed to survive a local natural disaster. Here in central Texas we prepare for tornadoes and floods, on the west coast they prepare for earthquakes and the subsequent tsunamis, and on the east coast they prepare for hurricanes and Nor’easters. And as we are already armed we’re able to repel looters and other criminal scavengers.

Some of our firearms are designed to harvest the wild game of our countryside and with them we can put food on our tables. We pay the license and permit fees which finances most of our government programs that support our natural environment (even though some of this money is funneled into improper uses). And we teach our young good gun handling and respect for the great outdoors so that it can last for generations to come.

So what is it that the gungrabbers fear about us so much? I suspect it is because we are independent thinkers and decisive-action people. We know the best person to decide what is right for our lives and of those we love is ourselves and we come together to form a government to protect that individuality and independence. Unfortunately there are those who want to go farther than this and have the government take the place of God and make decisions about how the world will be ran. Because we are capable of independent thinking we can see this is the wrong way to go and we say “Whoa!” and that certainly upsets their applecart.

Of course I could be wrong because I certainly work from my own opinion based on my own life-experience. You’re an independent thinker, give it some thought and see what you think.

Peter W. Wickham, Jr.
AKA The Ol’ Grey Ghost

[email protected]