With Apologies to Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities)
Chris W. Stark – Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-281-787-4111 Fax 1-281-328-7505
email: [email protected]
20 May 2000
With Apologies to Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities)
Copyright ? 2000 by MAGGI BAUER.
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.
Another good look at the life of Texas Representative Suzanna Hupp.
For those of you unfamiliar with Texas Rep. Suzanna Hupp, please
read the following article by Maggi Bauer. Maggi is a retired Member
of the New Hampshire General Court, House of Representatives, elected
in 1969, serving until end of term in 1974, from District 5, Carroll
City. A staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment in her former position
as an elected official, today, she continues her struggle to fight
the victim disarmament crowd, and win back our 2nd amendment rights.
Maggi Bauer may be contacted at [email protected]
You can also hear Suzanna Hupp’s testimony with the help of RealAudio
at http://www.goa-texas.org/hupp-7.htm
Texas Rep. Suzanna Hupp is also one of the main plaintiffs, and also one
of the Board of Directors for the CLDF Texas lawsuit, which is suing the
Cities and Mayors, who are suing the gun manufacturers.
For more information about the lawsuit that will nullify and void the
Smith & Wesson Agreement, as well as void out any and all such actions
by the anti-American Mayors who are attempting to bankrupt the gun
manufacturers with numerous frivolous lawsuits, go to:
With Respect,
Gun Owners Alliance
Chris W. Stark – Director
With Apologies to Dickens
(A Tale of Two Cities)
Copyright by MAGGI BAUER
[email protected]
The hyper-attention being given to females (we have to assume only moms,
as opposed to singles, are parading in various locations this day) to aid
those who are bent on eliminating the 2nd Amendment birth right of ALL
Americans, which includes men by the way, centers on two states, New York,
and Texas. It centers also, on two women.
In 1991, in Texas, a deranged man (note I said deranged) shot and killed
among others, the parents of a young woman named Suzanna Hupp.
In 1993, in New York, a deranged man boarded a train on Long Island, and
shot and killed among others, the husband of Carolyn McCarthy.
Each of these women became outraged, and rightly so, following these
One, the young woman from Texas, had the means to defend not only herself,
and her parents as well. Unfortunately, she couldn’t, because she followed
then current Texas State law, and her means of defense was in her car, not
in her purse.
The other woman’s husband (she was nowhere around) had no means whereby
to defend himself, although’ New York has had since about 1938, I’ll
stand corrected if wrong, 63 different gun violation laws under what is
called the Sullivan Act. SIXTY-THREE LAWS. Mr. McCarthy could have had
a means of defense. He chose not to, which was HIS right.
Each of these two woman took a course of action which led them to where
they stand, today.
I fully appreciate what each of these women must have gone through in
the days and weeks that followed these incidents. And yet I must and
indeed have to say that each has profited. But in two very different
ways, and for two very different reasons. Thus, a Tale of Two States,
a Tale of Two Women.
The one, Suzanna Hupp, because she was prohibited, by law, from having
with her the means, a handgun, and by her own admission, the capability
of using that .38 S & W, was denied her parents future time with her.
She has always been angry at a state and government that denied her the
probability that she could have defended herself and her parents. She
went on to elected to the Texas Legislature using her parents untimely
deaths as her “cause”, and to become a champion for all the other women,
and men, in Texas, that should the day come, they too, might well have
to do what she was denied. Ultimately, Texas has a right to carry
concealed law. And Suzanna has, this day, spoken on behalf of women and
men everywhere that under that 2nd Amendment, they too, should have the
same right. Suzanna fully understand what “shall NOT be infringed” means.
Now, we have the other woman, the one from New York, Carolyn McCarthy.
She, too, used her husband’s death, to profit. She ran for office and
was elected to the House of Representatives, using her husband’s death
as her springboard. She, however, has used her office to at every turn
support the “infringement” of every part of that 2nd Amendment. She is
determined under the tutelage of Bill Clinton and egged on by Chuck
Schumer (N.Y. Sen.) to force the national registration and fingerprinting
of every American whose rights under that Amendment “shall not be infringed,”
and force registration and fingerprinting, make no mistake about this, is
a deliberate infringement.
You know that OXFORD book (the one from Clinton’s college, would that
he’d read it ) to which I refer frequently? The one for 49.95 ? Well,
it has a rather good comment on infringement. It says INFRINGEMENT:
an encroachment or trespass on a right or privilege.
The 2nd Amendment is not a privilege. It is a birthright.
Carolyn McCarthy is encroaching. She’s also trespassing. So aren’t all
the Clintons, Schumers, and Feinsteins and all the rest who deem ad
nauseum, that Americans will be, shall be infringed upon, and they’re
gonna do their utmost to see that fully law-abiding Americans are. They
call forced background checks, registration and fingerprinting a minor
inconvenience. I call it an encroachment and trespass.
Suzanna Hupp is doing her utmost to see that law-abiding Americans are not
encroached or trespassed upon. Of the two women, which one is standing with
the principals of that birthright? Our Bill of Rights?
# # # #
Maggi Bauer is a retired Member of the New Hampshire General Court,
House of Representatives, elected in 1969, serving until end of term
in 1974, from District 5, Carroll City. A staunch defender of the 2nd
Amendment in her former position as an elected official, today, she
continues her struggle to fight the victim disarmament crowd, and win
back our 2nd amendment rights.
Maggi Bauer may be contacted at [email protected]
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Copyright ? 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). Republication
permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert is left intact in its original
state. The views herein do not necessarily reflect the views of
any other individual or organization, than Gun Owners Alliance
(GOA-Texas). We do not officially represent Gun Owners of America.
Go to http://www.goa-texas.org/TXsig.htm for more information.