wnd.com-Letter to the Editor-Good observation
Gun buybacks or kickbacks?
The article, “Clinton Continues Gun Buyback
Plan,” that you referenced yesterday mentions
that so far the program has paid out $3.5
million, to “buy back” more than 17,000 guns.
According to my calculator, that’s about $205
per gun. Yet Housing and Urban Development
suggests paying only $50 per gun, and
encourages local businesses to donate some of
the funds.
So what happened to the other $155 per gun
($2.65 million)?
Since criminological research shows that guns
in the hands of honest people tend to reduce
crime, not increase it, and honest people are
the only ones likely to sell their guns “back”
for such a pittance, I’ve been trying to
understand why this happens at all.
Follow the money. With 75 percent of it
vanishing into overhead, I think this is just
another jobs program for members of the
current administration. Probably why a friend
suggests renaming these events “gun