Women Deserve Better

March 1st, 2012

Different Country same sh&&&&&….. This was a response from a pro self defense Lady in Africa to an anti self defense newspaper article………

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To: letters@w…
Subject: Women deserve better
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 00:37:43

Dear Editor

Women deserve better, Nina Hassim refers:

There is little doubt that women and the citizens of South Africa
deserve better than what J. Selebe and S. Tshwete have to offer
in steering the police to greater efficiency.

Possibly we should also examine what women expect rather than
what they seem willing to do. Whilst every citizen has the right
to expect a safe and secure environment and the government has a
duty to supply such an environment. That does not mean citizens
get individual protection and any such thoughts are an
impossible dream.

Why then do women expect protection to be supplied on an
individual basis. Surely this is the responsibility of each and
every women rather that the responsibility of the state. Hassim
is correct in that women are all to passive. I’ll go further
and say that many are their own worst enemy, because they call
for and expect rights including their own to be reduced. All in
the name of a safe and secure environment and for the good of
all or the children. Foolishly believing that the erosion of
those rights will make them safe.

Criminals by definition could not care less about legislation
and more is not going to make any difference to criminals. Nor
will draconion laws rehabilitate criminals. Gun control laws may
reduce theft of licenced firearms but will not take one
criminal gun out of circulation or deny criminals more guns.
Yet the government has used crime as the excuse to introduce or
propose laws at the urging of lobby groups that will do nothing
in the fight against crime but are the start of the erosion of

The police in Orlando, Florida faced with out of control crime,
in particular rape, trained tens of thousand of women in the safe
use of firearms, allowing those women to take control of their
own safety. Astonishingly all crime rates dropped dramatically,
rape by 88%.

Why then do women not call for empowerment of their own safety?
Few if any have suggested that the police train them instead of
wasting billions of TAX money on futile legislation that will
not put one criminal behind bars but make acquiring a firearm
for self-protection considerably more difficult. Even when the
lessons of history show clearly that criminals fear unwilling
victims ready to defend themselves. Womens lobby groups have
embraced enslavement by loss of rights and legislation rather
than self empowerment and freedom.

Citizens and women need to take control of their own lives and
safety and not expect somebody to come to their rescue, least of
all the government.