March 1st, 2012

Feinstein has debated the “gun control” issue so many times she MUST know that gun control doesn’t work and only leads to more violent crime and eventually genocide. You decide why a person possessing her knowledge of the issue continuously tries to disarm the American people. . . . Pancho V.
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] [[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:12 AM
To: [email protected]

R.L. (“Larry”) Wilson, formerly historian at Colt, is the author of innumerable books, including a Simon & Shuster “coffee table” book on Colt, and similar books on Ruger, firearms engraving, etc., as well as biographies of Theodore Roosevelt and multiple books on hunting and gun collecting.
Larry has a new book out on women & guns, with bio material on prominent fremale shooters which has actually received favorable reviews in major media like the NY Times. The following is a note he just sent me:
Hope you saw the highly favorable SFo Chronicle article 26 March, front page Section F, prompted by the Silk & Steel Women at Arms book!
This was that major paper’s promotion for the talk I’ll be giving on Women at Arms at the Barnes & Noble store, 2352 Shattuck Av., 7:30 Tuesday March 30th (near BART dwntn Berkeley station). Hope you can attend. Will be a film crew there, and possibly C-Span!
Rare to have something positive about firearms in Berkeley! And would be great to have a large turnout!
Howard Nemerov, another of my correspondents, has a discussion of Dianne Feinstein and her anti-gun blatherings. See

Gun Control, Dianne Feinstein, and the ”Assault Weapons” Ban
