‘Women to Arms!’ … New Email Forum
‘Women to Arms!’ … New Email Forum!
Women, you are invited to join ‘Women to Arms!’, the email forum. Just send a blank message to [email protected]
Unite with US here at the Women to Arms forum. Arm yourselves with the information necessary to combat the attack upon our God given right to survival in a freedom loving environment. As others have stated so well: “God made women but Colonel Colt made women equal, and carrying the tool he invented remains the constitutional right of every American.” (Vince Suprnowicz) “A Lady With A Gun … Has more Fun!” (Patricia A. Saye) “WITH GOD’S BLESSING and our diligence, we aim to remain FREE!” (Armed Females of America)
Sorry, no men allowed! We ask that the men support our endeavors, with the understanding that we feel women have a better chance of fighting this predatory attack upon all of our rights. After all, we are “Women”, the same who others feel the need to protect with their gun control agenda.