Yes, put the law makers on notice
In your post you said this>>>>>>But, sadly, getting some lawmakers to act reasonably is about as
difficult as getting our kids to clean their rooms. If we’ve told them once, we’ve told them a
hundred times. <<<<<< I feel compelled to respond to you on this. My ex husband was on
probation, he was not allowed firearms as part of the probation. I had legal custody of my 3
children. He would not return the children to me. I went to his probation officer and pleaded
with her to look at my papers. She would not afford me the time of day to help. While in the
home of my ex, my 6 year old daughter was shot and killed. If I couldn?t get my town?s
?lawmakers? too listen to me, what chance do I have on the higher level? Is probation not ?gun
control? at it?s tightest? If they fail to enforce that law, what makes you think they will enforce
more new laws? We have to make our DA?s work for US, the INNOCENT. He was given 5 years
probation for the death of my daughter. My court system has failed me and that is with the many
laws we have enacted right now. As President Clinton said on Good Morning America just this
morning, ?Let?s forget about the crime and look at the accidents? . This was after a MMM
mother just poured her heart out to him about her 22 (?) year old son being shot in the back of
the head. It was not an accident, it was a CRIME and yet he tells her to forget the crime? Yes
this country has seemed to ?forget about the crime? and revel in the accidents.